What’s on our mind?
Routines: Your Secret to Simplicity and Stress Relief
The secret to reducing stress (and cortisol) at any age.
You’re not (that) broke. Your perspective is though.
How do you define and stay on the path that allows you to live in alignment with your most authentic self when you’re so broke?
What is A Monday Minute?
A Monday Minute is the antithesis to hustle culture. It is about anti-hustle. (Keep Reading)
Creating a Well-Lived Life
What truly constitutes a well-lived life? When something as subjective as “well-lived” can have so many definitions, how does one characterize or qualify the meaning?
I believe a well-lived life should be about making your life feel right for RIGHT NOW. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve - and each word, page, or chapter - you have the opportunity to draft as your life and story plays out in real life. Later will take care of itself. It always does. So what is right… now?.
You Are NOT For Everyone
Happiness, fulfillment, success, support, joy, … even contentment cannot be accomplished by “looking a certain way”. These goal lines can only be danced upon when you are able to first identify successfully what helps YOU to feel that way. Life IMHO can be boiled down a few simple questions:
Where are you currently (physically, spiritually, financially, relationship wise, etc.)?
Where do you prefer your life were (physically, spiritually, financially, relationship wise, etc.)?
What are you willing to do to live more aligned with the preferred version?